About Us

Origin & History
The Journey began with just 7 children, each facing unique challenges due to physical or mental disabilities. Recognizing the lack of resources and support available to these children and their families, the founders set out to full this gap by providing comprehensive care, education and rehabilitation services.
Vision & Mission
To create an inclusive society where differently-abled children are recognized, empowered and provided with equal opportunities to develop and reach their full potential.
Provide them with access to quality education, healthcare and opportunities for skill development and social inclusion.

Goals & objectives

To create platform for differently abled children to lead fulfilling and meaningful lives and to make differently abled person a productive member of a society.
By enhancing the well-being of the children with the help of proper medications and strong healthy food habits.
Empowering them with proper counselling, training, therapy, special education and vocational training, to help in the inclusion of them in the society so that they can perform their own task daily, activities without depending on others.